City of Emily Public Library
Library Hours
Monday - Wednesday
Thursday - Friday
8:00 - 4:30
8:00 - 12:00
The library is located in the Emily City Hall - 39811 MN-6, Emily, MN 56447
A convenient drop-box for library books is located at the front entrance of the city hall.
You may visit the library in person or request your favorite authors, titles, or genres by contacting our librarian, Jane, whose email is listed below; you can simply click on her underlined email address to send one. Please put "Library Request" in your email subject line and arrangements will be made for pick up.​
Donation Policy:
The library depends on and is grateful for donations. Having limited shelving space, the library can accept only smaller-scale donations such as up to a couple of bags or a box. Please leave all donations in the returns cabinet.
Please note that the library does not accept:
- Physically damaged material (e.g. books with heavily soiled, torn, mildewed, or highlighted pages)
- Textbooks
- Encyclopedias or Time/Life collections or sets
- Outdated health material (five or more years old)
- Cassettes or VHS tapes
All donations become the property of the City of Emily Public Library.
Items not added to the library will be donated, disposed of or recycled, or used for book sales.
Donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Library Board Members
- Mikie Walker
- Diana Lee
- Jan Mossman
- Greg Koch
- Lori Bussler

The board reports to the City Council on all matters relating to the operation and control of the City of Emily Public Library budget and funds. Duties include adopting operational bylaws and regulations that pertain to the daily operation of the library.
History of Emily's Library
In 2013, a vacated building with potential, the cessation of mobile library services, shared vision, and dedicated volunteers prompted the start of a new community library in Emily.
When the Emily Charter School closed in 2012, the vacated building at 39811 State Highway 6 presented an updated option for the relocation of the City of Emily offices. The former school building included an office area, a gym, several classrooms, and a library-ready room complete with craftsman-quality shelving and custom cabinetry. At the same time, Carol Pierce, founder of the Outing Volunteer Library, along with City of Emily Mayor, Bonnie Kile, shared the idea of housing a public library in the former school building. Further motivation for a library arrived in an announcement from the Kitchigami Regional Library District that their Mobile Library would need to discontinue bi-weekly visits to Emily and nearby locations.
Although Bonnie Kile passed away in 2012, before a plan was put together to start a library, the seed of that shared idea grew into what is today the City of Emily Public Library at the City of Emily Hall & Community Center. In late 2013, the Emily library project began, headed by Priscilla Pepek along with her husband, Mayor George Pepek, and like-minded volunteers.
The Outing Volunteer Library generously donated many boxes of books and the majority of the spinner racks. Along with that donation came many of the former charter school’s books which provided a foundation for the children’s section. The Brainerd Library donated a box of library maintenance materials and another spinner rack, and ECTC, Emily Cooperative Telephone Company (today known as Tremolo), provided a supported computer and Wi-Fi service, valuable resources that continue today. The local community quickly joined efforts by donating their books and other materials such as audiobooks, movies, music, puzzles, and games.
The first open house was held that December to the delight of Emily residents, with a subsequent open house held in the spring of 2014. Comments were taken to heart, and as more donations filled the library, work began on organizing and labeling -- a continual process in a library. A few volunteers continued the work to make the library as accessible as possible. Jane Davis stayed on to maintain the library as it evolved and was later appointed Librarian.
In 2020 the library officially became The City of Emily Public Library, housing around 7,000 items to loan as a result of continued community support. Today, the volume has grown closer to 8,000 items.
As always, the library appreciates your suggestions and comments and will do its best to accommodate when possible.